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Six Actions to Keep Children Safe around World Bank-Supported Projects: Recommendations to Address Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Sexual Exploitation & Abuse
Tools & Training

The Care and Protection of Children (CPC) Learning Network and the World Bank are partnering to address child sexual exploitation and abuse in World Bank operations. The tools below were developed as part of this project, to operationalize guidance in the Environmental and Social Framework and accompanying good practice notes. All tools have been tested in one or more World Bank-financed infrastructure projects.  

These materials were created by child protection experts from the CPC Learning Network. They are based on research, evidence, and experience operationalizing the Environmental Social Framework and accompanying Good Practice Note. They are unbranded for easy adaptation to your project. For questions or suggestions, contact Hannah Thompson at hbarbichethompso@worldbank.org.

Child safeguarding explainers

Tip Sheet
Six Actions to Keep Children Safe around World Bank-Supported Projects: Recommendations to Address Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Year of Publication

This tip sheet provides six concrete actions that World Bank operations can consider when adapting SEA/SH risk management measures to address the needs of diverse children. These six actions act as a framework for all the CPC’s child sexual exploitation and abuse technical support to the Bank.

Presentation Slides
How to adapt SEA/SH response for diverse child survivors
Year of Publication

Glossary of Terms Related to Child SEA
Year of Publication

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