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Transforming Households: Reducing Incidence of Violence in Emergencies (THRIVE)

2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Community & Family-Level Interventions
multiple authors per resource

There is an urgent need for programs that reduce violence in the home in emergencies, including intimate partner violence (IPV), emotional abuse, physical and sexual abuse, and child maltreatment and neglect. While there is a growing body of evidence on children’s and women’s global exposure to violence in emergency settings, efforts to both measure and prevent violence within the household have lagged behind evidence emerging from development settings. Work on violence against children and violence against women in emergencies has been fragmented across the Gender-based Violence and Child Protection sectors, which has impeded effective learning and action within and across these sectors. The Transforming Households: Reducing Incidence of Violence in Emergencies (THRIVE) project, co-led by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the CPC Learning Network at Columbia University, aims to bridge this gap by investigating drivers of household violence during emergencies and identifying innovative interventions to address and mitigate this violence.

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Preventing Household Violence: Promising Strategies for Humanitarian Settings
Khudejha Asghar, Beth Rubenstein, Lindsay Stark
Year of Publication

THRIVE Project Summary
Year of Publication

Converging drivers of interpersonal violence: Findings from a qualitative study in post-hurricane Haiti
Laura Gauer Bermudez, Lindsay Stark, Cyril Bennouna, Celina Jensen, Alina Potts, Inah Fatoumata Kaloga, Ricardo Tilus, Jean Emmanuel Buteau, Mendy Marsh, Anna Hoover, Megan Laughlin Williams
Year of Publication

Transforming households, reducing the incidence of violence in emergencies: A study of Côteaux, Haiti
Laura Gauer Bermudez, Lindsay Stark, Cyril Bennouna, Celina Jensen, Alina Potts, Inah Fatoumata Kaloga, Ricardo Tilus, Jean Emmanuel Buteau, Mendy Marsh, Anna Hoover, Megan Laughlin Williams
Year of Publication

Transforming households, reducing the incidence of violence in emergencies: A study of displaced Colombian communities
Jennifer J. Mootz, Lindsay Stark, Khudejha Asghar, Elizabeth Meyer, Mendy Marsh, Alina Potts, Arturo Harker Roa, Catherine Poulton, Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Rubenstein, Cyril Bennouna
Year of Publication

Predictors of Interpersonal Violence in the Household in Humanitarian Settings: A Systematic Review
Beth Rubenstein, Lily Zhi Ning Lu, Matthew MacFarlane, Lindsay Stark
Year of Publication

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