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Ubumwe: Integrating Arts for Education and Psychosocial Support with Children & Youth affected by Displacement in Uganda

Eastern & Southern Africa
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support

The Ubumwe: Arts for Education and Public Health with Refugee Children and Youth was a pilot program implemented in Kyangwali refugee settlement in western Uganda by the CPC Learning Network and Columbia University Teachers College, in partnership with Hopelink Action Foundation (HAF) Uganda, AfriChild Center at Makerere University, and two New York City-based organizations, Artolution and Arts Ignite.

The project aimed to bolster psychosocial and educational outcomes among children and youth through the integration of arts in education and community spaces. The project team created culturally relevant arts education curricular materials that were tested in schools for their usability, acceptability and feasibility in meaningfully supporting children and youth in school and among their communities.

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Presentation Slides
Teachers' Professional Development for Arts Integration in Education & Community Spaces in Ugandan Refugee Settlements
Mary Mendenhall, Kemigisha Richardson
Year of Publication

Presentation to the Comparative & International Education Society on the Ubumwe project, Arts Integration in Education & Community Spaces in Ugandan Refugee Settlements

International & Comparative Education Summer Project Series Ubumwe Highlight
Year of Publication

Project page from Teachers College, Columbia University with detail on the Ubumwe arts program in refugee communities in Uganda

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